Saturday, February 28, 2015


Enjoy this quick stop-motion that I co-created this afternoon!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Medium is the Message

YouTube is used every day to create messages for audiences across the globe. While the videos themselves contain messages, we need to pause and consider what the medium is saying.

"The medium is the message" -Marshall McLuhan
Marshall McLuhan states that "the medium is the message." YouTube began on February 14th, 2005. That is ten years almost to the day, and during those ten years we have seen YouTube continually growing and expanding.

If YouTube is the medium, what is the message? The message is similar to the following: YouTube is available to audiences at any time of the day or night. The audience controls the viewing. Whether you're watching videos for entertainment:

Or to watch funny animal videos:

Or to keep up with world events:

The message is control.

Monday, February 16, 2015

New Media Text

English for New Media Text Project
Starring: Morph the Fish 

Music: Further On by Bronze Radio Return

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Letter Collection

During the fall of 2014, I spent several months creating a digital collection that I called The Letter Collection. The project was the result of an assignment where students were required to take a non-digital collection and turn it into a digital collection. 

I chose to bundle of letters written between my grandparents in the 1950's as my subject for the project. I then spent two months transcribing the letters and scanning samples of the original letters as well as photographs to use as visual aids for the project. After all the materials were gathered, I then created a website using where I set up all my materials as a display. 

Link to the Letter Collection: